P&P-Assignment One; Feedback

Overall Comments
Miriam this is a thoughtful assignment and you present 7 different portraits, The look and expression you capture varies and you make good use of eye contact with the model on some of your photographs. You have also sourced some interesting locations which add variety and humour. All the images make use of daylight so perhaps the inclusion of one or two photographs taken using artificial light would have helped with the assignments request for each portrait to be different. This may have required you to take longer than the day allocated to the sessions which would be in line with the assignment suggesting: ‘These should differ in type and style, and each be from a separate photographic session (there is no need to attempt this set all in one day, and indeed it will be more useful as an assignment if you take some time over it)’.

Overall these are a competent set of images and your enthusiasm shows through but they do lack variety in style mainly due to them all being shot as street photographs in a similar light. Think about the coherence of the submission, you have used different crops and aspect ratios across the set. If you were shooting a magazine article then this may be fine and would allow for an interesting layout. If for an exhibition you may wish to hang a set of images all with the same aspect ratio and size (still could be landscape and portrait) to present a cohesive statement. Reflect on this on your blog!

As we discussed future assignments should contain some printed images, check my welcome letter for suggestions concerning prints and the use of borders.

Assessment potential
You may want to get credit for your hard work and achievements with the OCA by formally submitting your work for assessment at the end of the module. More and more people are taking the idea of lifelong learning seriously by submitting their work for assessment but it is entirely up to you. We are just as keen to support you whether you study for pleasure or to gain qualifications. Please consider whether you want to put your work forward for assessment and let me know your decision when you submit Assignment 2. I can then give you feedback on how well your work meets the assessment requirements."

Feedback on assignment Demonstration of technical and Visual Skills, Quality of Outcome, Demonstration of Creativity

A good choice of aperture has been used to concentrate sharpness on the models face, this is approximately the lens sweet spot which is good. You ask for tips on sharpness, as you have not supplied any hi-res images I cannot tell if your images are truly sharp, I need to view an image at 100% resolution to be able to check this. To slow you down I would recommend using a tripod, not always possible in a street situation, but will help you to take more time over your photography. Also consider temporarily covering your LCD screen with cardboard (shock & horror!) this will enable you to consider each image much more without being diverted constantly by the LCD screen. The photojournalist Rena Effendi mostly shoots film because she likes to be slowed down, when she does shoot digitally she covers the LCD screen with cardboard!

Red Door. I really like this shot, great location and the reflections add additional layers and intrigue. God eye contact with the model. Her stance is perhaps not that elegant as it has more of a street look. A slight criticism, where you are making use of strong horizontal and vertical lines try to make them work hard for you by keeping them exactly horizontal and or vertical, this may not always be possible due to camera angles and space to shoot in though.

No Tarking! Another well seen location and you are very precise with the camera here and have vertical verticals. Great use of negative space. The models expression and head tilt are very similar to ‘Red Door’ so this is not helping the ‘different in type and style’ requirement.

Raining. A great location and the use of direct sun is providing some variety in the quality of light you are using. The models posture is relaxed but her expression has some tension which is not helped by her crossed arms as this tends to give some body language suggesting she is ‘fed up’. I find the umbrellas are great but the busy nature of the rest of the background is distracting, as is the broom learning against the wall. Did you try a shot at a very wide aperture to throw the background out of focus, or cropping in tighter on the models waste to remove the lower background? Best done in camera but could be looked at in post-production. If you did try some variations it is good practice to include some contact sheets on your blog and discuss why you chose the final image.

Reflections. This is a good variation and you capture a pensive mood in your model, not sure about the wisp of hair though, possibly a few more wisps rather than just one. I like your use of colour in this composition, the dominant blues work well. I can see why you have much space above your model but find the tight crop on the top of the Shard distracting as it causes tension at the frame edge, pulling back slightly more to allow a small amount of sky above would have helped or deliberately cropping into the building just above the bird. The overcast top light is soft but as it comes from the top it can make models eyes look quite sunken, by the subtle use of a reflector this can be softened but you would need to be using a tripod or have an assistant to help you.

Naughty Dog. Well seen and a good use of a humorous situation, soft overcast light and your models clothing is very similar in all the shots. So although this works as a fun image you are not creating much variety across the set. This shot at sunset with a shaft of sun (if possible?) with your model in a different outfit, or even in the rain with her holding an umbrella etc. Would create more of a variety within the submission but may have required a return visit to catch different conditions.

Patriotic. Another well seen location with a different look and stance from your model. I feel here that you are not using the location to its full extent. Perhaps if the models clothes started to echo what was happening in the graffiti or waiting for the light to become more interesting, due to the light her hand becomes almost the dominant part of the image. Hands are very important within a portrait and can be used to give us clues about the subject. The legendary photographer Yousuf Karsh spent much time in arranging his sitters hands and also controlling how the light fell on them.

Happy.  Simple use of a background with strong lines is successful. Good use of light and the shadow on this image which starts to pick up on your research image by Elinor Carucci, you missed an opportunity to comment on this – good stuff for your blog as it starts to show how your research may be informing your own work. This is the only time we see your model smiling and you have captured a good expression which starts to impart some of her character. You comment about the eyes and indeed they are very important elements within a portrait, did you try a shot with her head turned slightly towards the camera allowing slightly more light into the eyes? Contact sheets on the blog would be good here?

The two genres of fashion and portraiture often become confused, is a picture a fashion photograph or is it a portrait? Fashion is generally about selling the clothes and or life-style and the model is more of a prop or vehicle for that purpose, whereas in portraiture you are trying to capture your model or sitters character. So reflect on your images are some more fashion orientated? You do not really tell us in your writing if you have captured Andreea’s spirit or character?

Learning Logs or Blogs/Critical essays Context
Some good research books and websites mention but I would like you to expand this much more. The Steve McCurry image and also the lovely image by Elinor Carucci are great to include and have influenced your own work as mentioned. Only by looking at lots of work by critically acclaimed photographers (and artists) and also at the work of acknowledged emerging talent will your own work stat to develop a style, direction and voice.

Your exercises are well handled and you include some excellent images, some of which have a stronger and more relaxed feel as portraits than your assignment images. The ‘3rd image – Torso taking into account arms and hands’ within exercise 1 is a lovely considered image that captures character within the expression along with great posture and pose, excellent use of shallow depth of field. This very strong image suggests to me that perhaps if you allowed more time for the assignment you could have produced a stronger set of images.

Some of the exercise images also look to be shot on the same day as the assignment so again this will dilute the strength of the assignment as you are trying to do too much in one day and not allow enough time for the assignment.

Good layout and navigation system on your blog.

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