P&P-Assignment Five; Corrections

Assignment Five – Corrections

On receiving my feedback, I was absolutely thrilled. I put a lot of time and effort in to this assignment and it has certainly paid off.

Note to my tutor
Yes it is the Dean Street Jazz club, such a small world!  
I have already collated a quote for a Canon mark III camera, lens and all the extras, we are just waiting to hear back from head office as to whether or not they will do this, I hope they do!
I have shown my images to the Jazz club promoter, as well as some other images that he wanted me to take and he is thrilled with them. So much so that there is going to be a four page spread of my images in the next Jazz brochure, so I am obviously elated!  
I just wanted to thank you for all your valuable help and support; I feel that you have made a real difference in how I view things, improved my thought process and images. 

Here are the following are the corrections I have made in response to my tutors feedback.

My tutor thought my client briefing was a bit too thin, also to assign it to an actual magazine which fits my images. Here is the revised briefing.

Client briefing/my brief revised

Jazz Wise Magazine
Images from this magazine have been used in the context to promote an act or venue, with the acts featuring predominantly and the majority of the time the acts are with their instruments playing, rather than posing.  
This will be a feature piece of the Dean Street Jazz club, so to advertise the venue and specific acts. To promote the business as a whole and raise awareness.
To compose a set of images fit for publishing to include the venue, guests and place. To be able to achieve an overall feeling of what the venue has to offer, with well composed, creative and intriguing images, which are well focused and colour managed.

Scott Hamilton

First Image
I toned down the highlight on the piano as my tutor suggested I defiantly see where he is coming from but I am not sure it works as well, it could be that I have maybe burned too much.
I think the sign looks less of a reflection and more like it is painted on.

Third Image
I think this crop and having the band playing is a better image compositionally wise, unfortunately I haven’t got an image that is without the waitress and the guy at the front not looking at me, so I had to make an executive decision on this image.

Brian Culbertson

Second image
I see what my tutor is saying about this image, however in all of the images that I have from this angle, the man is either looking down at his camera, holding his camera up, which blocks the rest of the audiences faces and pointing his camera at me!.
As he did not know what I was doing it is not his fault, but it did not make for good images. So, unfortunately this was the best image I had of Brian and his band from this angle.

Third image
I have had a look through and the image that I used for my initial assignment is the clearest and sharpest photograph as Brian moved around a lot.

But here is the image 0586 
Like I said before, it is not a very clear image, hence the reason for not using it and I was not sure about the composition.
I like this image but Brian’s eye almost looks like he’s squinting sideways at the camera and to me it looks a bit odd.

Martyna Wren

Second image

I think that noise can defiantly add to an image, as I said before with this particular image I would have liked to have it all in black and white. Another option would be to have it in black and white except for maybe the frame reflection to the trumpet player.

Third image 
I agree with my tutors comments on this image. Instead of burning the table, I eliminated it completely, which I think works better as it draws your attention to the trumpet player more. I burnt the highlights out of the sheet music, which again I think works better.

David Benoit

Second image 
I totally agree with the crop, I feel this image is much stronger, also I did not notice the wires until the crop had been completed.
I cloned out the microphone arm on the left hand side and the light in the ceiling, as well as burnt the wires in the roof.

Third image 

I see what my tutor means about the lack of action in the shot, whilst looking through them this image was the best one. I am not sure if I prefer it or not. I like the motion blur in this image teamed with the clarity of the drums, however I like the original image due to the clarity and expression.

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