P&P-Assignment Two; Corrections

Assignment Two – Corrections

I have to say, this is the first time I have been truly happy with my feedback, I am feeling very motivated for my next assignment and I hope that I continue to do well.
Reading what my tutor wrote with regards to the UK laws about photographing in public was an eye opener, I am glad that it is legal and my tutor gave some very good tips on how to overcome the problem (if there is one) on photographing in a public place. I will defiantly carry a copy of my form with me from now on. 
Here are the following are the corrections I have made in response to my tutors feedback. 
Observing;- I laughed when I read about the father looking board, as I thought that too and on reflection, I should have included this thought in my assignment. I was in a public space technically, I tried to photograph the inside area that was attached to the ice skating rink and was told that I could only photograph outside, so for this image I was positioned on the balcony and I was informed this was OK to do. I feel the privacy concerns here would have been noted by them if they knew what I was doing, but I feel that there is no issue with this, or any of the images I have chosen to use for my assignment and exercises.
Round and around; - I agree that a longer exposure would have been better and I wish that I had used it for this photograph, at the time I tried to take the photograph again with a longer exposure, however the clarity of the girls and positioning did not make for a good image, so I used this one as I felt it was better. My tutor sent me an attachment with the image cropped, which he thought made for a better image. So I could achieve a better quality image I did another one with my original image to his specification.  
I am not too sure about this crop, I think it focuses well on the girls but I quite liked the vacant space in front, so I have tried another crop to see if that is any better.

I think I like this one better, I agree the top of the image should be cut out, but not as much. For this one I left the length of the image on the right hand side and cropped in closer to the girls, I also took off a bit off of the top.

Couples; - I completely agree with the comments in regards to being able to see their hands, unfortunately even with moving positions I could not get the image the way I wanted it, as there was one thing in focus and not the rest, then I could not seem to get a shot of their hands completely. Hence the reason I did not include it on my contact sheet. I did manage to get this image below of a different couple, which as you can see is blurred and I am unsure as to whether or not it makes a good image.  
Professional;- I agree with regards to this image, I found it difficult to get her in focus as she was going so fast, and in the panning shots her face was blurred in a bad way. I did manage to get a shot of her speeding towards me, however I did not include this image in my assignment as her face was not sharp. I did a bit of post production and used this image below.
I think this would have been a great image to show her speed due to the way her body was positioned, I just wish I had focused better.

Say cheese;- I tried to find an image of this where I had used a wider aperture, alas, I could not find one, but I will keep it in mind next time. 

Blades;- I had a look through the images that I have of the ice skates themselves and I do not have a single image where I have the feet are separated, the whole of the leg or space in front of the skates, as my tutor has said, it was extremely difficult to get this shot. I have however, included a contact sheet with the said images on. 
The reason I chose the original image for my assignment was because it was the sharpest I could get with the best composition for shot I wanted. As you can see above, I found it difficult to achieve a great image for the activity I wanted to portray.
My tutor suggested there could have been a few more different viewpoints, which I fully agree with. I did have a shot with a single spectator, there were not many spectators as all the families and friends were all on the ice and I felt it did not really tell a story, so I felt the father and child who were in the first image made for a better shot. The other suggestions, I could not do due to not being able to take images inside and the queue etc was inside. I tried to get some shots of people coming straight out, but they did not make for good images. I will try and use the form next time to see if they would make me the exception to the rule, when being restricted in my photography.

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