Wednesday, 23 October 2013

P&P-Part 1; Exercise 5; Eye contact and expression

Exercise; Eye contact and expression

For this exercise, I have to set up a portrait session and in which the face is prominent and ‘stage’ the direction in where you want them to look. I took a set of four images two of which are looking at me and the other two are away.
First the face shots;-

1/200 seconds at f/2.0

For this image I asked Becca to look at me, I chose a shaded area where the light was coming in from the front of her, so to enhance the contrast on her face.

1/320 seconds at f/2.0

For the nest image, I asked her to look away, I found it quit difficult to get the same power of the previous shot in this one, as there were a few different directions in where she looked, however, this was the most powerful out of all of them as you could still see her eyes and it didn’t disengage you from the image.

Second the torso shots;-

 1/500 seconds at f/2.0

Even though Becca is looking away from the camera, this image is still engaging, due to the expression of the slight smile that she has on her face. I feel this image works quite well.

1/500 seconds at f/2.0

 This is my favourite out of all of this set, I love her expression and the composition of this image, I feel it really draws you in.
Overall, I think eye contact is always best when you have a pre planned shoot. When you are photographing strangers on the other hand, them not looking directly at the camera can prove pleasing to the eye and very effective.  

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