Wednesday, 23 October 2013

P&P-Part 1; Exercise 7; Focal length

Exercise; Focal length

I had to take photographs of the same person with at least three different focal lengths, so I was in a stationary position, using my zoom lens and having to shoot at either end of the zoom scale and one photograph in the middle of the focal length.
1st Camera length – 32mm

1/1000 seconds at f/4.0

I kept this image as close to the wider end of the zoom, I like this image, but it doesn’t really pack a punch as it were on her face, although it is a flattering photograph and the background is good, I feel that the others are better.

2nd Camera length – 90mm

1/1000 seconds at f/5.6

This is a more detailed look at her face, without losing the colourful background, I think this could possibly be my favourite image, as the focus and light are good and I really like the background. With regards to the length, I feel it gives enough detail without being overbearing.

3rd Camera length – 150mm

1/1000 seconds at f/5.6

 This is a good shot too and on second thoughts, this is the best image of the three, it’s a clear, concise shot and has great focus without being intrusive, still keeps the great colour of the background and draws you in.

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