Monday, 17 March 2014

Disaster strikes

Disaster strikes

Whilst taking images for my friend’s wedding I realised that my camera was not focusing properly. I then went to see a friend of a very dear friend of mine to get some pointers on portrait photography and mentioned this problem to him. He noticed the problem as well and suggested that I should take it to a specialist shop to get it looked at.
I went to the London Camera Exchange in Salisbury and spent about 45 minutes with them checking the body of my camera, lens, SD card and battery. We realised it was the body of my camera that was over exposing automatically and not focusing as a result. No matter which setting we chose, it was still doing it even when we fixed all of the settings. I nearly cried, especially when they said that it would cost the same amount for a new camera as it would be to fixed, something that I cannot afford at the moment.
I thought it was me who was taking bad out of focus pictures, I never thought for a second it would have been my camera. So, dad to the rescue, he lent me his Canon 500D and I noticed the difference immediately, I took all of my fourth assignment photographs with this camera.
Luckily it was my birthday not long ago and luckily I have the best dad ever as he bought me a new camera. It is the same one as I have now but it is not defective, so I will be using this for my fifth assignment. 

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