Monday, 17 March 2014

P&P-Part 4; Exercise 4; Balancing figure and space

Exercise; Balancing figure and space
For this exercise, I need to vary the balance in any one picture situation by producing a set of two images using the same general viewpoint and composition, varying the balance of attention between the person and setting they are in.
1/100 seconds at f/22.0 – Lens EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Using the same settings and composition for each image, I decided to photograph the walk way by the O2. I kept the aperture high to have everything in focus and as it was a bright day I had a fast shutter speed.
I chose the walk way due to the slight curvature, as I felt it balanced the people in the image composition well and I knew it would lend itself to people coming towards me, rather than walking off in a different direction. For this exercise it stands to reason that the further away the person is, the less prominent they are.  


1/100 seconds at f/22.0 – Lens EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM

I feel this image does not have a good balance to it, however when looking at this image I can see where the rain has missed the walk way and it creates a good lead in line, I feel this is not so apparent in the first picture. With the man being at the forefront of the picture, I think it threw the composition out, even though the sense of scale is still apparent.
I think the first image makes for a better composition which balances well with a large sense of scale and in saying that the second image does still lend itself to a sense of scale in a different way, however I will be mindful of this when taking images in the future and probably use the first composition more than the second.

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