Monday, 17 March 2014

P&P-Part 4; Exercise 5; Selective processing and prominence

Exercise; Selective processing and prominence
In this exercise I have to select an image that I have already taken from an earlier project in which the issue is the visual prominence of a figure in a setting, by using digital processing methods that I have available to me, to make two new versions of this image.

For the first image I have make the figure less prominent and for the second I have to do the opposite.

Here is the original image I chose to make the corrections too.
1/15 seconds at f/5.6 – Lens EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
For this image I used a low aperture to focus in on the woman. I decided to use this image as the colours are very neutral and in a way you notice she is there, but for a split second it may not be so obvious.
This image is the less prominent one.

For this image I changed the following.
·         Dulled the brightness
·         Increased the contrast
·         Lessened the vibrancy and saturation
·         Used the burn tool to darken her and the rock behind
·         Used the dodge tool to lighten the white sheet on the floor and the wooden structure in the foreground
·         Choose the selective colour and edited the following;- Cyan +, Magenta -,Yellow -, Black +

I used the brightness and contrast to flatten the image, at first I thought that I would have to decrease the contrast but that made her more prominent. The selective colour helped as I could dull the colour of her skin tone to make her blend in more and used the dodge and burn tools to decrease and accentuate the areas that I thought would benefit me in making her less prominent.

This image is the more prominent image.

For this image I changed the following.
·         Increased the exposure
·         Increased the vibrancy and saturation
·         Added a warming filter (85) at 21% density
·         Choose the selective colour and edited the Black –
·         Used the dodge tool on her
·         Used the burn tool for the white sheet and the wooden structure in the foreground

With this image, all of the tools did what I thought they would, I highlighted her and used the warming filter to bring out her skin tone and darkened the more prominent areas of the image so to exaggerate her more.
I found this an interesting exercise. As I said previously I really thought that increasing the contrast in the first image would accentuate her more. I think if you flick between the two images, you really notice the dodging and burning that I added, however I looked at them on their own and you do not notice the highlighting and shading individually.

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