Selective processing and prominence
In this exercise I have to select an image that I have
already taken from an earlier project in which the issue is the visual
prominence of a figure in a setting, by using digital processing methods that I
have available to me, to make two new versions of this image.
For the first image I have make the figure less prominent
and for the second I have to do the opposite.
is the original image I chose to make the corrections too.
1/15 seconds at f/5.6 – Lens EF-S 18-200mm
f/3.5-5.6 IS
For this image I used a low aperture to focus in on the
woman. I decided to use this image as the colours are very neutral and in a way
you notice she is there, but for a split second it may not be so obvious.
image is the less prominent one.
For this image I changed the following.
Dulled the brightness
Increased the contrast
Lessened the vibrancy and saturation
Used the burn tool to darken her and the rock
Used the dodge tool to lighten the white sheet
on the floor and the wooden structure in the foreground
Choose the selective colour and edited the
following;- Cyan +, Magenta -,Yellow -, Black +
I used the brightness and contrast to flatten the image,
at first I thought that I would have to decrease the contrast but that made her
more prominent. The selective colour helped as I could dull the colour of her
skin tone to make her blend in more and used the dodge and burn tools to
decrease and accentuate the areas that I thought would benefit me in making her
less prominent.
This image is the more prominent image.
For this image I changed the following.
Increased the exposure
Increased the vibrancy and saturation
Added a warming filter (85) at 21% density
Choose the selective colour and edited the Black
Used the dodge tool on her
Used the burn tool for the white sheet and the
wooden structure in the foreground
With this image, all of the tools did what I thought they
would, I highlighted her and used the warming filter to bring out her skin tone
and darkened the more prominent areas of the image so to exaggerate her more.
found this an interesting exercise. As I said previously I really thought that
increasing the contrast in the first image would accentuate her more. I think
if you flick between the two images, you really notice the dodging and burning
that I added, however I looked at them on their own and you do not notice the
highlighting and shading individually.
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