Tuesday, 26 November 2013

P&P-Part 2; Exercise 2; Capturing the moment

Exercise; Capturing the moment

For this exercise I have to find a comfortable situation, with bursts of activity and find the ‘best’ moment. Once I have taken this series of images I have to produce the photo that I think best captures what I am trying to portray.

I chose to shoot around the Tower of London/Tower Bridge area, to be able to see people in different situations, it was a very interesting shoot, as we had a beefeater showing us around the Tower and afterwards the sunset was beautiful with Tower Bridge in the background. First are the set of images at the Tower of London.
1/40 seconds at f/7.1

1/50 seconds at f/7.1

I love the expression with these images, it’s a very distant thinking look, he was telling us all about the history of the Tower and I think it comes across in these images.

1/40 seconds at f/7.1

For this image, I included more people, to read their expressions, to what he was saying, he was very sarcastically funny and even though he isn’t smiling or laughing, I think the other peoples expressions express clearly that he was.

1/160 seconds at f/7.1
1/50 seconds at f/7.1

1/40 seconds at f/7.1

I included the set of three images above to  include some of the background, but also peoples expressions and to show the amount of people that were there, as you can see he was popular!.

The next set was taken outside the Tower, after the Tower, a lot of people came out to watch the sunset and sit by the river near the bridge.

1/20 seconds at f/7.1

Tourists were relaxing and sorting out their plans, well, one of them was planning what to do next, the other person just let her get on with it!

1/40 seconds at f/7.1

I love silhouettes and with the sky and the shard on the background, this makes for a telling image, however, you can’t see his face, so this is not the best image out of all of them.

Capturing the Moment;-

The next image I feel captures the moment the way I wanted it to with a great composition…..

1/20 seconds at f/7.1

This is my favourite out of this series of images, I feel very serine looking at it, I think it captures the feel of him looking in to the distance and he seems very calm and thoughtful.


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