log – P&P assignment 2; People and activity
“You are a big
part of your picture. Even when you are trying to blend in and be invisible on
the scene, you are still behind that lens. You own that frame, that fragment of
reality, so claim it.”
(Rena Effendi – from the interview by ENTER –
World Press Magazine)
So true, I really try to do this every time but sometimes feel disappointed that I missed an opportunity, as I should have had my camera at my eye more, or I should have as Rena says “claim it”, I will try and take charge (mainly with myself) in the future. Just reading through my tutor’s feedback again and realised that he mentioned Rena in a handy tip on how to sharpen an image, I will try it for my next exercises and assignment.
is one of her images where I thought she “owed/claimed it”.
(Rena Effendi –
Boy running with self-made toy. Balakhani oil village. Azerbaijan. 2002 - From
“Pipe Dreams-A chronicle of lives along the pipe line”)
I think this is such a great image, the way she has
framed it and used the shadows to her advantage, it also relates well to this
assignment, due to the boy playing with his toy. I think it is an active yet
oddly peaceful photograph.
found a photographer online who I thought was extremely interesting her name is
Alexa Meade and she paints her models, so they them self’s look like actual
paints, on looking at these images (website below) I was blown away by her
talent, these people do 100% look like a painting, here is an example;
She has to be one of the most talented photographers/painters out there and she apparently taught herself how to paint. I thought I would include this as it is something completely different in portraiture photography.
Strengths on my assignment
Observing;- Is
the depth of field, I like how I have the little girl pointing and the father
looking in to the distance
Round and around;-
I like the fun portrayed in this image and that they are all linked
Nearly!;- As I
previously said, her expression is priceless and I am pleased I managed to get
this shot
Couples;- I
love the sharpness of the woman, I think it is the clearest shot I managed to
get out of the whole series
Speeding;- I
like the way it looks like a round tunnel, focusing on the guy in orange in the
I like the depth of field with this one and the reflection in the blue Perspex
to the side of her where there is another person skating behind her
Whoops;- I
love the stance of the girl in this image and that it brings an essence to this
series of images
Family;- I like the way I have cropped this,
originally, I left the other people’s faces in the background frame, but I
think the decision to cut them out was the correct one
Say cheese!;-
I like the side profile of this and the little girls face, it always makes me
smile looking at it
Blades;- I
think this is my favourite image of the whole series of photographs, I
defiantly think it’s a telling moment, the reflections look great, as well as
the depth of field
Weaknesses on
my assignment
Observing;- I
would have liked to have gotten behind them to view what they were viewing ,as
it were. I feel it would have made a more powerful image if I had
Round and around;-
The girls are not as sharp as I would have liked, I should have panned better
for this shot and used a larger F-stop
Again, this image is not that sharp, I wanted to include it as her expression
was great, but it would have been better with a faster shutter speed to capture
her facial expressions in a better way.
Couples;- I
should have focused in on the both of them and used a smaller F-stop for this
Speeding;- I
wanted to get an image where there was no one in front, however, it was
difficult to do, so the girl in the pink being in front was the best I could create
under the circumstances
Professional;- Another one where I would
have liked it to have been sharper on her face and maybe more of a front
on/semi to the side shot would have worked better
Whoops;- I
regret just focusing in on her feet and hands rather than the whole image, it
would have been stronger if I had used a different F-stop
Family;- I mainly focused in on the little
girl, but I should have focus on the whole family
Say cheese!;-
Maybe a different angle would have worked better with this one, where I was
taking a photo of the person taking the photo
Again, I am disappointed with the sharpness of this image, this was the best
panning I could get and I was shooting through dirty Perspex, which didn’t help
Some of my
research sources-Books, websites and documents
The Elements Of Photography; By Angela Faris Belt; (I focused mainly on one photographer in this book;-
Adam Jahiel, he did a series of photographs called “The Last Cowboy” which
produced beautifully powerful images of working on a ranch in the USA and he
works with black and white because “it allows me to boil elements down to their
very essence-shape, lines and light” (Adam Jahiel-The Elements Of Photography;
By Angela Faris Belt)
Light Science & Magic, An Introduction to
Photographic Lighting; By Fil Hunter, Steven Biver and Paul Fuqua; (This book always helps me understand lighting, I haven’t
read it all yet, however, I used sections from it to help me with this
- (To research Paul and examine his photography)
- (To research Rena and examine her photography)
- (To research Rena and examine her photography)
– (To examine a photographer I found which I are mentioned on this learning
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