Exercise; A
public space
For the final exercise, I had to photograph a semi-organised
public space and instead of one event happening, I had to photograph a variety
of things that were happening.
I went to Windsor Castle for the day and photographed the
varied events going on, even though some were planned by them, I had not know
about the plans, nor had anyone else.
This was a fun day to photograph, as there was a lot going on and I was able to capture a variety of things happening throughout the day.
1/60 seconds at f/20.0
I used a high f-stop to keep everyone in focus and as there were a lot of people taking photos next to the guard, this was an interesting shot.
1/200 seconds at f/5.6
I wanted to get an image of the guard on his own, which was difficult to do as everyone kept standing by him, but I managed to in the end. I feel that this is a good image.
1/125 seconds at f/20.0
Again, using a high f-stop to keep everything in focus I wanted to focus on the tourists in the grandeur of the place, however, I think I may have missed the boat with this shot and could have focused more on the people, rather than the wall.
1/800 seconds at f/5.6
I didn’t know the guards where doing a precession until they walked past which was nice, I used a shallow depth of field to concentrate on them solely.
1/600 seconds at f/5.6
it was a bright day, I had to use a high shutter speed, I used a shallow depth
of field as I wanted to give longevity to the image, I like how it looks like a
really long path towards the castle and with the people in the image reflects
that well.
1/80 seconds at f/22.0
I wanted to keep the whole image in focus due to the guards in two different places, I think with the coves and just the two guards, it works very well.
1/800 seconds at f/6.3
I concentrated this image on the scouts and the man in the blue shirt giving direction, I also wanted to get the guard in there to give a sense of scale.
1/80 seconds at f/22.0
is my favourite out of all of the images, I love how the people seem to be
marching alongside them and the shadows on the ground, I would have got more of
the shadows in but I wouldn’t have been able to capture the people alongside
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